Cracks in the ice
We went 9.5 miles out today to check for leads and cracks. This is where it could break off when the wind changes I think. It's also probably where my minidisc recorder has gone. Oooops.
Arctic fox trail... its tracks were following polar bear tracks because it scavenges off the food the polar bear catches.
Van thinks this might be water sky - see the dark line? i.e. where the lead of water opening up is reflected in the sky. But it's a bit difficult to tell at the moment. Billy seems to think we'll probably go out tomorrow though.
Snow machine maintenance. We saw an ugruuk - think that's how you spell it - a bearded seal. It caused lots of interest because its skin is used to make boats. But it slipped off into the water.
Polar bear protection.
View from the snowmachine. I have worked out how to sit on it so you don't nearly fall off all the time and your arms stay in their sockets. Phew.
Thanks for all the pictures,so far.
They are so amazing!
I wish you a wonderful sunny icy day.;)
I've got a spare minidisc honey so as long as it doesn't pack up I'll be ok. Am trying to film but it's really hard - camera doesn't like the cold and the priority is being safe rather than letting me take pictures. But THANKYOU to your friend. I'll see what I manage to come back with! xxxx
Ice fairy.. imagine the mini disc being found by someone months later and them listening to your recording...
thoghts of polar bears, fox and melting ice..
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